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Unblinded (2020) Trailer

Unblinded (2020) Trailer

Starring Frida Gustavsson & David Larsson. Written and Directed by Paul Jerndal. Synopis Emma who is struggling with depression gets embroiled in a passionate relationship with Mark, an egocentric pop star. Her vulnerability and his recklessness reach a climax one evening when Emma finds the strength to resist. In Unblinded, screenwriter and director Paul Jerndal once again explores the subject of mental health. After the films Indigo (2014), A Beautiful Heart (2013) and the suicide prevention film Steps For Life (2017), the mental health focus this time is on close relationships. Unblinded takes us into a metaphorical world where the boundary between the past and the present is blurred. An artistic, musical and emotional journey between hope and despair with Frida Gustavsson in the lead role. Synposis: Emma kämpar med en depression och kastas in i en passionerad relation med den egocentriske popstjärnan Mark. Hennes utsatthet och hans gränslöshet når ett klimax kvällen då Emma hittar kraft att stå emot. Med Unblinded utforskar manusförfattaren och regissören Paul Jerndal återigen ämnet psykisk ohälsa. Efter filmerna Indigo (2014), A Beautiful Heart (2013) och suicidpreventions-filmen Steg För Livet (2017) kretsar nu handlingen kring psykisk ohälsa i nära relationer. Unblinded tar oss med in i en metaforisk värld där gränsen mellan dåtid och nutid suddas ut. En artistisk, musikalisk och emotionell resa mellan hopp och förtvivlan med Frida Gustavsson i huvudrollen. Written and directed by Paul Jerndal Starring: Frida Gustavsson, David Larsson & The Royal Concept Cinematographer: Johan Palm Editing: Nozhan Radnahad Paul Jerndal Set Designer: Karin Myrenberg & Sebastian Selmér Lightning Designer: Martin Grafström & Daniel Keith Ass. Lightning Designer: Hampus Jigehamn 1st AC: Sonya Gudmudsdotter & Simon Frisk 2nd AC: Jacob Nordblad Stylist: Nadia Kandil Make up: Flora Velloso Production Assistant: Simon Frisk Production Assistant: Sara Brockmann Production Assistant: Nozhan Radnahad Production Assistant: Maas Punar Producer: Paul Jerndal & Johan Palm Sound Design: Martin Mighetto Colorist: Oskar Larsson Graphics: Malte Önnestam Music: The Royal Concept and Martin Mighetto The Royal Concept David Larsson Filip Bekic Povel Olsson Magnus Nilsson Music: - The Man Without Qualities - Larsson/Bekic/Nilsson/Olsson/Seefried - Wake Up – Larsson/Bekic/Nilsson/Olsson/Seefried Thanks to: Ljud & Bildmedia Tint Post Spring Studio Wenngarn Castle Tommy Håkansson
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